Preparing for an Industrial

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Preparing for an Industrial

I intend to get my industrial done in about 3 weeks, and I just wanted to get some advice because I keep hearing different people with different ideas about how to take care of them.

I've had one before and it lasted about 6 weeks because the circumstances were pretty bad (it was getting knocked around all the time) so I generally know what to do now but I would still like clarification.

I'm confused about sea salt soaks. I was lead to believe that this disinfects the wound and keeps it clean. If it 'dries out' the area around the piercing, why is this a bad thing, wouldn't moisture be encouraging for infection?

Also I would just like general aftercare tips for industrials. What should I be doing to the area for the first two weeks, first month, 6 months, etc, and *why*.

And I will probably have around 2 months before school (and sport) starts up after getting the piercing. Is that too soon to replace it with a retainer?
Thanks very much for any replies :)

k_bean (not verified)

I had it pierced while I was overseas (Canada) at a very reliable, professional piercing studio. It lasted 6 weeks because when I came home I was being constantly harassed to take it out, and also I had to be able to remove it by the time school started and it would not have healed anywhere near enough in that time, so I removed the jewellery.

I had the piercing done with a titanium 14G barbell. I developed some kelloids (one on each hole I think) a few weeks into the piercing, but I can't recall the bumps. I think this was because while overseas, I was constantly wearing beanies, occasionally used hair products, and generally put the piercing through some less-hygenic situations and a lot of physical trauma.

Thanks for the advice about aftercare, it makes sense now and I'm confident I will be a lot more sucessfull in taking care of my industrial this time around.

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