bump on inside

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bump on inside

I have a small blister like bump inside my nose which appeared after my piercing fell out and i had to replace it.

What actions should i take and will a bump form on the outside of my nose?

tangar (not verified)

The piercing is a month old.  I washed it in the same way i wash my face in the morning using a mild soap. Any crusties have been removed with a Q-tip and hot water.

The piercing is a nose screw (pierced with a needle) and has fallen come out once.

I am thinking of removing the jewellery.  Can i do so at present, with the bump inside my nose? I also have a cold can i remove it whilst i have a cold.

Many Thanks

tangar (not verified)

sorry i didnt make myself clear. when i said removed, i mean take the screw out and let the piercing close up.

Many Thanks

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